(Free) Eco-Mythology Guidebook + Museum Ticket

Free museum access + free guidebook.

This guidebook will help you explore Onusa’s virtual museum The Mothership, by creating your own personalized route and self-guided experience, around the theme of Eco-Mythology. Your exploration will be guided by prompts, inquiries and suggested practices around the theme. The guidebook also includes a list of resources to deepen your explorations on the theme.

This guidebook includes information and questions to help you:

  • Understand the power of myths and stories in shaping our relationship with others and nature.

  • Explore the role of myth-telling in relation to ecological consciousness and environmental awareness.

  • Explore the archetype of the Mother, in relation to ecology.

  • Reclaim the forgotten ecological wisdom embedded within ancient myths.

  • Use storytelling as a way to address the challenges of anthropocentric modernity and the climate crisis, and move towards more inclusive, ecological and post-capitalist futures.

  • Find inspiration to tell new stories that cultivate compassionate and eco-conscious ways of being.

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